How to get from Amed to Gili by Fast Boat

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Amed to Gili

Getting from Amed to Gili is easy with Amed to Gili with Freebird Express has the shortest crossing time from Bali to Gili. Freebird Express offers daily crossing from Amed's beach to the Gili Islands and Bangsal. Freebird Express has an excellent reputation and safety record combined with professional and friendly staff. Free hotel transfers are available in Amed.

Amed to Gili route by Freebird Express:

Amed -> Gili Trawangan -> Gili Air -> Bangsal

Amed to Gili schedule

Depart from ETD
Amed, Bali 09:30 AM
Gili Trawangan 10:45 AM
Gili Air 11:00 AM
Bangsal 11:15 AM